Getting online bookings might seem like an easy thing to do, as everyone uses the internet these days. Yet, no matter your business, it is likely you will face tons of competition when it comes to getting more online booking.

Thankfully, there are quite a few methods of boosting online bookings for your business, but not all of them are easy, and some require expert knowledge. Let’s dive into a few ways your business can grow online and let you make the most of your web presence to get more appointments on your books.

Sign Up for Google My Business

One of the first and most effective methods of attracting new business is listing your company or service on Google My Business. Placing your business details on this service allows you to list your company specifics. Such information typically includes:

  • Opening times
  • Closing times
  • Days of operation
  • Busiest times
  • Address
  • Contact details
  • Web or blog link

Additionally, using Google My Business will help with your company website’s SEO (search engine optimization). Web crawlers and search engines like Google and Bing will rank your site based on specific information in your My Business data, such as your website link. But providing address details is a big help for your local SEO score. As a bonus, you will attract more business from appearing on Google Maps.

Don’t Be Afraid of Call to Action (CTA)

A classic method of attracting online bookings is by using the call to action (CTA). A compelling CTA will encourage users to click on a link intended for business. Such associations include intentionally placed product promotions and links. Links of this type typically lead to product landing pages and eCommerce categories or items, or even an appointment booking page. Placing CTA links is an easy process, but there is a strategy for maximizing their efficiency.

Asking a user to “book now” without an imperative isn’t always the best course of action. Instead, it would help if you aimed to offer value in clicking on such a link. The aim is to entice a user into diverting from one page to another. And with time, as valuable as it is, there needs to be some urgency in the command. So, for example, you could present the opportunity to take advantage of a limited-time, money-off promotion.

Add Various Communication Methods to Your Site

In addition to business information on Google My Business, customers will expect contact information on your website. Typically, this is located on your about or contact page.

Unfortunately, most businesses list just an email address and a phone number. Yet, you can capitalize on this lack of information with more ways to contact you. For example, by including methods of requesting quotes, you will immediately get ahead of the competition.

Contact Forms

Contact forms are an excellent method of capturing client data for online bookings. They typically allow you to obtain more information than usual such as name, address, and contact details. Further, you can provide a method for direct communication and consultation.

Live Chat

Not too long ago, Live Chat systems were used solely by large corporations. Yet advancements in technology have driven down prices. As such, today’s users expect to see such communication on most business sites. Live chat can be manned by AI bots and human contacts as required.


Operating a blog or site is relatively easy these days. Site builders like WordPress make it very easy to install widgets on your site. You can use such devices to provide different methods of communication. For example, you could provide a way for customers to request quotes or even include a link to a calendar to book online.

Prove Your Knowledge with Informative Media

You can establish trust with potential clients with outward displays of demonstrable knowledge. Various media platforms allow you to prove your knowledge concerning your business, resulting in client customer confidence.


Adding a blog to your company website is an excellent way to prove and share your knowledge simultaneously. This is encouraging for potential clients, curious customers, and repeat visitors to your blog for news and help. Adding a blog can also be a boon for SEO, when done strategically.


You can supplement your blog with videos on a platform like YouTube or TikTok. Such platforms are excellent for providing complex help for subjects such as home improvement. For example, you can create an instructional video about mixing and applying paint correctly.

Social Media

Of course, social media should not be overlooked. Platforms like Facebook and Twitter are invaluable in the modern world. So much so that over 90% of businesses use social media for marketing and to engage with customers by accepting feedback and replying to comments.

Use Image-Based Social Media to Show Off Your Work

Further to social media engagement, you can use various platforms to provide examples of completed works. For instance, image-based social media sites like Pinterest and Instagram are an excellent way to show your skills and talents. Before and after images are particularly engaging on such sites. Yet other platforms are just as valuable.

Facebook and Twitter allow you to upload images as you would any other. Including pictures on social media profiles is proven to have the following potential benefits:

  • Increased engagement
  • Garner attention
  • Higher click-through rate
  • Positive feedback and replies
  • Improved retention
  • A larger potential audience

Like blogs, the strategic use of media such as images and videos on such platforms will boost engagement. Social media has become picture intensive. A user might decide to click on your post or video based solely on the quality of the image rather than the title and description.

Utilize the Power of Relevant Hashtags (#)

You can refine your target audience with the appropriate use of hashtags (#) when placing a post. All social media platforms support hashtags, including Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, and LinkedIn. Hashtags are vital since they are used when specifically searching for something. However, to avoid confusion, you should use them appropriately.

Hashtags are used to signify a specific topic. Therefore you can use this to point to your online booking service. For example, on a Twitter post, you could include the phrase “Winter is coming. Prepare for an #EfficientBoiler with quality pipe insulation from….” The best way to think of a hashtag word is much the same way as you would a keyword or phrase for SEO.

Add Customer Testimonials to Your Site

You can further inspire confidence in your site and attract more business by including customer testimonials. While it’s estimated that up to 50% of web testimonials are fake, you can use genuine comments by valued customers. You can place testimonials on your blog or landing page as well as social media. LinkedIn is a great place to include testimonials since there is more of a B2B atmosphere.

Perhaps because there are so many fake testimonials, research has shown that customers are more likely to make a purchase decision if negative testimonials are present. The same study found that 85% of shoppers look for negative reviews and do not trust a company with a total 5-star rating. Therefore, you shouldn’t be afraid to include negative thoughts on your site. Each one is an opportunity to rectify a mistake.

Hire an Agency to Optimize Your Web Presence

Working with an agency, like Invicta Local, is a smart solution to helping you get more online bookings. The experts here can leverage your online presence with robust service offerings, including everything from Google My Business optimization to paid ad campaigns to making sure the calls from your online efforts get answered.

Let Invicta Local show you how it’s done. Schedule a demo now and see how our proven strategies can go to work for your business and see online bookings grow.