If you want lots of success in the world of business, then you’re going to have to make sure you nail pretty much every area and facet. It’s a job that should be overseen every single day and you just cannot slack off when you want to be at the top. You need a robust toolkit for business success, and one important tool to consider is Google My Business (GMB).

Google, especially GMB, is used by hundreds of thousands of people around the world at any given time, so this behemoth of an engine is something that should be considered a staple. If you have ever Googled a business, the chances are that you will have seen more information on the page – perhaps on one of the sidebars or when searching on Google Maps. They did not find themselves there by accident or automatically, however.

The reason you were able to see information regarding the business was due to the fact that the owner made a conscious effort to work with Google My Business. They entered the correct information necessary and made themselves more apparent with both local and global searches.

In this article, we’re going to discuss how you can add your business to Google. We’ll talk about Google My Business, the important points around it, how you can set things up, and the best moves going forward. So, without further ado, let’s get into it.

What Is Google My Business?

Google My Business is, in essence, a tool that helps manage and optimize the “business profile” displayed on Google search engine results pages (SERPs). In an attempt to get more eyes on a business from an online standpoint, business owners can create a business listing known as a Business Profile. In doing so, it allows people to see more information about what you offer. The basic details will be listed, but a lot more data can be inputted if the owner chooses to do so.

With regard to the Business Profile itself, simply possessing this kind of thing doesn’t give you full management over it. If you want the Business Profile to be fully useful in terms of SEO, lead generation, and all things marketing, you’ll need management and editing capabilities.

It’s very simple to create a business profile and add it to the online database – it’s actually similar to adding a place to Google Maps. Anyone can do it – even strangers or an automated bot. Google only requires a business name, a location, and a category. Once that quick task is done, it is online for all to see.

Once it has been confirmed and checked that it is not a duplicate, Google will create the Business Profile for the location that has been selected. After this, customers and consumers are able to head online and leave reviews. They can add photos themselves, ask a question, and discuss a few things. The algorithm may ensure that the Business Profile automatically becomes populated with info that Google pulls in from all over the web.

A Business Profile is completely separate from Google My Business, initially. Whether you created the profile or somebody else did off their own back, you do not have the ability to manage the info it displays or the reviews that are being left on them. And this is why you will need to link it up to the Google My Business tool.

Google My Business will allow you to access everything regarding the Profile. You’ll be able to customize, manage, and lift the profile so much higher than it perhaps was. You’ll be able to do this for free and will not have to worry about any hidden fees making their way into your presence.

Why Do I Need To Be Listed On Google My Business?

It’s not a mandatory practice, but it seems like it should be for any budding entrepreneur who wants to make something of their project. It’s a way of letting local people and those from all over the world see what you have to offer. You’re not going to be able to attract as many people if you don’t have a proper online presence.

You’ll likely have a website, social media channels, and potentially a few other outlets, but a Google My Business account is a sure-fire way of letting thousands of people know about your work. Specifically, here are a few more reasons as to why this kind of tool will benefit you.

Engaging With Customers

Speaking and communicating with customers and clients has always been important. With a Business Profile that is linked to a Google My Business account, you’ll be able to engage a lot clearer. You can respond to reviews, answer questions, message directly, and set up alerts.

With a Google My Business account, you can even post statements and all kinds of posts to the profile. This kind of action is associated with social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram – not everyone has those, however. The majority of people will know what Google is and how to use it.

Put Your Business Out There

With the information you’ll display, you’ll be able to really put yourself on the map. You can talk about your opening times, prices, services, products, and so many other aspects. You will also be able to provide links to the likes of your website(s) and social channels. All of this information will be laid in one place and those looking on will be able to gather a lot in precious little time.

Another benefit of using Google My Business to put your brand out there: More bookings. Learn more about how to get more online bookings.


It’s not just a case of providing information and improving the cosmetic side of things when it comes to Google My Business. You can also use this tool to look at key insights regarding your audience and local searches. There is an analytical section of the platform where you are able to look at queries that customers are using in order to locate your profile. You can check to see whether they used a Google search or even Google Maps.

All of the facts and stats are accompanied with this tool – you’ll be able to judge where you might be going wrong and where things are performing properly.

Local SEO

Much like how Google has its algorithms regarding ads and websites, it also has them for ranking Business Profiles. You can ensure that your Business Profile performs well by utilizing the correct keywords and using a variety of typical techniques.

Is Google My Business Free?

Google My Business is completely free with no hidden fees. All of the work that you will do will come at no cost and you’ll be free to personalize exactly how you’d like.

How To Add Your Business To Google

You can add your business to Google using a variety of means. You can use the traditional method of Google My Business, you can do it via Google Maps, or you can claim a business that has already been suggested on Google prior to your involvement. Let’s go into detail regarding all three.

Google My Business Directly

You’ll start by heading over to Google My Business. You can find it by searching on Google, of course. Sign in to your Google Account – if you do not have one, then you can quickly create one. It’s wise to, of course, sign up with your business email domain. You will be put through a selection of steps, including entering your business name or chain, the address, and a location on the map.

You’ll then be tasked with choosing how your business will display on Google Maps. Your business category will come next. Your phone number, website URL, and any other links will conclude this portion.

Once all of this info is entered, you’ll be given the opportunity to create a free website that is based on the data you’ve inputted. After this decision, you’ll have to verify that you have legitimately created this Profile and linked it to Google My Business.

Google Maps

On your computer, you can sign into Google Maps. From here, you can add your business in three ways. Firstly, you can enter your address in the search bar. Then, on the left, you can click ‘Add’ on the Business Profile section.

The second option is to right-click anywhere on the map and then elect to add your business.

Finally, you can click the menu in the top left and then select Add Your Business. The on-screen instructions will, again, walk you through every step.

Claiming Your Business

You can open Google Maps and claim a business that has already been inputted. Simply enter the business name in the search bar. Select the correct business and click Claim This Business. Then hit Manage Now. Select the verification option of your choosing and follow the steps that are then provided.

Google My Business Best Practices

When working on Google My Business, you’re obviously going to want to operate shrewdly and make wise decisions. While it’s pretty simple to work with, you’re going to want to cater to your personal needs. Here are some of the best practices when working with this tool.

Keep Your Details Up-To-Date

If you keep everything up-to-date, then you’re going to reap the rewards via interactions, phone calls, engagement, and plenty of demand. If your information is from five years prior, then you’re not going to look at all professional.

Be Active And Respond

You can’t expect to have a lot of success if you place your business on Google My Business, write out your information, and then just leave it there to be extinct. If you respond to people and encourage reviews, then things will pick up sooner rather than later.

Use The Insights Productively

The insights are there to help you with your work. They’re not to be admired and not worked with. If you check out how you’re to improve the way you operate, then you’re going to be a lot more successful. It provides so much information with many, many implications – so it’s worth pursuing.

Google My Business Optimization From Invicta Local

There’s more to online success than just adding your business to Google. Take your Google My Business listing to the next level by leaving it to the experts at Invicta Local.

Invicta Local will be able to take on all the tasks related to setting up, maintaining, and optimizing your Google My Business profile. They’ll boost your local SEO and lead generation, so that it’s more than just a basic plot of information.

Reach more clients and generate more traffic and conversions with Invicta Local’s online expertise. Schedule a demo now to take advantage of everything Google My Business has to offer. Call now or schedule a demo to see what we can do for you.